Global Pest Control


As per the ISPM-15, the wood packaging material required to undergo approved treatment such as Methyl Bromide fumigation and marked prior to export.

We provide Fumigation Treatment with Methyl Bromide (MBr) for wooden Packaging Materials such as Wooden Pallets, Wooden Boxes and Wooden Crates etc as per ISPM 15 standards. We apply IN MB 563 stamp & provide Fumigation certificate for the treated material.

We facilitate pest-free exports from India confirming to the current phytosanitary requirements of importing country.

We hold valid license issued by State Government and accredited by the Plant Protection Adviser of the Government of India, Directorate of Plant Protection, Quarantine & Storage.


  • We are technically competent to perform MBr Fumigation treatment to meet the quarantine requirements.
  • We seek from the client about any specific conditions attached to the treatment of consignment.

  • We maintain proper records of fumigations & after ensuring fumigations are carried out in effective manner.

  • Minimum 24 hours time needed for completion of fumigation process.

  • We do not undertake fumigation in forbidden places or of forbidden commodities


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